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Saturday, March 26, 2016

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Feeling Tired Lately? It Might Be Time For A #Kidney Detox Juice #fitness

Kidneys work is constant, all day and all night without stopping. They have several important functions in the body to maintain the proper functioning should also be essential for you. They serve as a natural filter for blood, and produce hormones have an important function in the urinary system.

If you did not pay attention to your diet lately, and you have a bad meal, so that it resulted in weight loss, you can help your kidneys. Try to increase the following detox juice your energy in a very short time.
necessary ingredients

 1large cucumber

Yes, the preparation of this recipe is as simple as it seems. All you need to do is to wash all the ingredients with water and put together in a blender and mix is. The sooner you consume the most of your body absorb nutrients drink.
The nutrients are absorbed immediately after you drink this juice. To your health!

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