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Sunday, December 22, 2013


10 Reasons to Eat An Apple a Day

One can easily say that apples are one of the best diet foods . Low in calories , fat, powerful nutrition - to go. Studies suggest that eating apples and drinking apple juice , along with a balanced diet , can protect the brain against the effects of stress , and we should be eating this amazing fruit rich in antioxidants. 

click1-    A medium apple has only 60 to 100 calories, virtually no fat or sodium. 

2-   Its 5 grams of fiber and 20 grams of carbohydrates are filling snack .

3-   Apples contain boron, a mineral that helps maintain bone density and protects against heart disease .

Eating an apple a day (with the skin ) may protect against stroke .

5-   Its fiber , pectin , antioxidants and other compounds can reduce bad cholesterol and increase good 
cholesterol .

6-   Tannins prevent tooth decay , gum disease and urinary tract infections . 

7- Flavonoids and other phytochemicals in apples help protect against lung cancer and colon cancer.

Apples are a great source of folic acid, a B vitamin that helps prevent serious diseases and congenital malformations of the heart.

Quercetin ( a flavonoid ) can fight cancer better than vitamin C does.

Vitamins and antioxidants in apples can prevent vision loss associated with age.Apples have properties that no other fruits have and its benefits have been proven overtime. You will be able to reap the benefits of these properties individually with other fruits , but an apple combines everything and makes it easier .Whenever you feel you are hungry , not to find a bag of chips or a donut , an apple . This amazing fruit can help keep your appetite under control , which contributes to the progress of your weight loss .

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